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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Descriptive analysis of Sangiovese and Cabernet-Sauvignon wines from different terroirs in D.O.C. Bolgheri (Tuscany)

Descriptive analysis of Sangiovese and Cabernet-Sauvignon wines from different terroirs in D.O.C. Bolgheri (Tuscany)


Different terroirs have been identified in Bolgheri area (a viticultural appellation in the Tirrenian coast of Tuscany) by the aid of pedological, landscape and agronomic observations in 1993. Numerous preliminary observations suggested that wines obtained from these different terroirs were unique. To confirm these observations sixty kilograms of Sangiovese and Cabernet-Sauvignon grapes were harvested at the same maturation degree in homogeneous vineyards within each presumed terroir in 1993, 1994 and 1995 vintages. Grapes were later vinified according to a standardised scheme and bottled after malolactic fermentation in May.
To assess the role played by soil type and its immediate ambience over wine sensory properties, for each soil type two wines were obtained from two different vineyards located in the same environmental conditions. Wines were firstly evaluated by standard chemical analyses.

The technique of descriptive analyses, combined with univariate and multivariate statistics, has been used to profile wine flavour and taste. Judges were trained in the use of specific descriptive terms, the intensities of which were consequently rated across the wines. In this study, the technique of descriptive analysis was successfully applied to define the sensory properties of different presumed terroirs in Bolgheri appellation.


Publication date: March 25, 2022

Type: Poster

Issue: Terroir 1996



Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree, Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Celoria 2, 20133 Milano, Italy


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 1996


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