Governance, bylaws & activity reports

“At IVES we believe in the free access to research outputs for everybody, in addition without charging any fees to the authors. We are convinced that free information contributes to the advancement of society in general and viticulture and enology in particular. With our 3 online media, we offer an independent platform to support education, communication, research and production in all facets of the grape-wine industry.
Our vision is shared by our members and partners who support us through their contributions. IVES is an innovative and ambitious venture allowing us to meet the current and future challenges in viticulture and enology.”
Roland Riesen, Chairman of IVES
IVES Executive Committee
The executive committee is composed of 7 people, elected by the board of directors among its members:
- Benjamin Bois (Treasurer) – Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin (IUVV) Université de Bourgogne, France.
- Cornelis van Leeuwen (Vice-secretary) – Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France.
- Roland Riesen (President) – IVES, Switzerland.
- Jean-Philippe Roby (Vice-president, director of publication) – IVES, France.
- Pierre-Louis Teissedre (Secretary) – Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV) Université de Bordeaux, France.
- Laurent Torregrosa (Vice-president) – L’institut Agro Montpellier, France.
- Fernando Zamora (Vice-president) – Universitat Rovira I Virgili Facultat d’enologia de Tarragona, Spain.
IVES Board of Directors
The IVES association’s board of directors is composed of 11 researchers, elected by the general assembly among representatives of the universities and research institutes involved in the project:
- Alain Blanchard (Vice-president) – Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV) Université de Bordeaux, France.
- Benjamin Bois (Treasurer) – Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin (IUVV) Université de Bourgogne, France.
- Astrid Forneck (Vice-president) – BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria.
- Cornelis van Leeuwen (Vice-secretary) – Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France.
- Doris Rauhut (Vice-president) – Hochschule Geisenheim University, Germany.
- Roland Riesen (President) – IVES, Switzerland.
- Jean-Philippe Roby (Vice-president, director of publication) – IVES, France.
- Pierre-Louis Teissedre (Secretary) – Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV) Université de Bordeaux, France.
- Laurent Torregrosa (Vice-president) – L’institut Agro Montpellier, France.
- Vittorino Novello (Vice-treasurer) – Università di Torino, Italy.
- Fernando Zamora (Vice-president) – Universitat Rovira I Virgili Facultat d’enologia de Tarragona, Spain.
Bilaws and activity reports
› Download the English version
› Download the French version
› Download the IVES 2023 Activity report
› Download the IVES 2022 Activity report
› Download the IVES 2021 Activity report
› Download the IVES 2020 Activity report