Characterization of the DOC wine “Colli Piacentini Gutturnio” obtained in three traditional areas
The poster presents the results of the 3rd year of activity of the project “Characterization of the wine productions of the italian regions. The DOC wine Colli Piacentini Gutturnio”. The project was activated by means of pubblic funds (Mi.P.A.F. and Emilia-Romagna Region funds) and thanks to the coordinating activity of the Experimental Institute for Viticulture of Conegliano (TV), the Experimental Institute for Oenology of Asti and the Centro Ricerche Produzioni Vegetali (CRPV) of Faenza (RA), that involved also other local and national Institutions to carry out the research.
The work concerned the “zoning” of the typical production area of the v.q.p.r.d. wine “Colli Piacentini Gutturnio”, that results from the vinification of Barbera (55-70%) and Bonarda (30-40%) cultivars, grown in the hilly area of Piacenza (Emilia-Romagna region) and, particularly, in three river valleys: Val Tidone (zone A), Val Nure (zone B) and Val d’Arda (zone C).
The examination of the environmental characteristics (soil, climate) and of the vine-growing aspects led to the identification of ten homogeneous sub-zones (5 in A, 2 in B and 3 in C), from which samples of Gutturnio wine of the “vendemmia” 1998 have been taken. The aim was to define the sensorial characteristics of the same wine obtained in different zones with their own climate and kind of soil.
The wines were taken from different winery, so they included the variability due to the different environment in which the grapevines were grown, but also a certain variability due to non-uniform tecnologies in wine-making.
The wines were submitted to chemical, sensorial and instrumental (by “Electronic Nose”) analisys.
The “Electronic nose” system is an instrumental apparatus able to produce, simulating the Mammalia sense of smell, electric signals that are quantified; then the data are submitted to multicomponent analysis. So the “Electronic Nose” can allow the recognition, distinguition and classification of wine odours.
Issue: Terroir 2000
Type: Article
(1) C.R.P.V. – Filiera Vitivinicola, Via Tebano, 54 – 48018 Faenza (RA)
(2) C.A.T.E.V. S.r.l., Via Tebano, 45 – 48018 Faenza (RA)
(3) Istituto Sperimentale per l’Enologia, Via P. Micca, 35 – 14100 Asti
(4) Provincia di Piacenza, Dipartimento «Politiche di gestione del territorio e tutela dell’ambiente» – Monitoraggio delle risorse territoriali ed ambientali – loc. Gariga – 29027 Podenzano (PC)
(5) Università di Roma, Tor Vergata – Gruppo Sensori e Microsistemi Via di Tor Vergata n. 110 -00133 Roma