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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 La région viticole Cotnari (Roumanie) et ses vins dans l’ensemble des grandes régions viticoles européennes

La région viticole Cotnari (Roumanie) et ses vins dans l’ensemble des grandes régions viticoles européennes


The author presents the geographical position of Romania as a vine-growing European country and analyses its relief and climate as factors of paramount importance for vine-growing environments. The climatogram system and the oenoclimatic aptitude index are applied in an analysis of the climatic characteristics of the Romanian vine-growing reg ions. The region of Cotnari and its wines, one of the oldest main vine-growing regions in the country, is characterised in the wider context of the main European vine-growing regions.


Publication date: March 2, 2022

Issue: Terroir 1998

Type: Article



Professeur de Viticulture Université Agronomique de lasi – Roumanie


Cotnari, terroir, milieu viticole, cépage, Grasa, Frâncusa, Feteasca, Tamâioasa româneasca
Cotnari, terroir, viticultural, environment, grapevine, Grasa, Frâncusa, Feteasca, Tamâioasa româneasca


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 1998


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