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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Nuove tecnologie per la viticoltura in zone di alto valore ambientale

Nuove tecnologie per la viticoltura in zone di alto valore ambientale


[English version below]

Gli autori presentano gli ultimi risultati delle ricerche dei DIAF sulla meccanizzazione delle operazioni colorali in zone di difficile accesso e transitabilità quali le aree marginali, i terreni terrazzati e altre realtà agricole caratterizzate da spazi estremamente ristretti (vivaismo, orticoltura, ecc.).
Le prime esperienze risalgono agli anni ’90 quando furono realizzati prototipi per la raccolta del ginepro e successivamente per la raccolta del caffe; dal 1994 gli studi si sono localizzati sul Progetto Candia che prevede la meccanizzazione di vigneti posti su pendici terrazzate a forte declività; sono state realizzare due macchine motrici che per la loro ergonomia, maneggevolezza e dotazione dei sistemi di accoppiamento normalizzati, costituiscono una nuova categoria di macchine agricole che possono convenientemente sostituire i trattori monoasse.

The DIAF has faced mechanization problems of terraced and strong declivity zones particularly in the vineyard area of the Candia in which a project promoted and financed by ARSIA (Tuscan regional agency for the development and innovation in the agricultural and forestry sector) is in progress. Two prototypes of track-laying machine constituting a new category of agricultural tractors have been realized. In particular this machinery is designed as movable power station having hydraulic and electro-mechanic standardized power take off. The concept adopted to realize their design takes into consideration multifunctional and manageable equipment like the two wheeled walking tractor overcoming problems of stability obtained with the handle and of the necessary strength to steer machine.
This is particularly important in zones of difficult accessibility for ingrown spaces and for steep inclinations. Furthermore many modem agricultural machines require elevated powers not feasible with walking tractors. The prototypes are designed as a motorized frame with tracks and hydrostatic transmission for easier driving: this system also allows rapid turn back important in small zones. The operator is placed in no external position for safer utilization in dangerous situations. Hydrostatic lift and standard electro controlled p.t.o. permit no easier and more precise equipment control.
The two tractors have different power (13,5 and 18 kW) and two different link systems (easy clutch for light tools and the classical 3 points lift). The ergonomy and safety of this new machinery make it a real evolution in farm mechanization a and.
Beyond the use in the vineyard, these machine scan be used for further applications: olive crops in the terraced areas where it is not possible to adopt classical tractors, the nursery crops, for horticulture and in woods and parks management.


Publication date: March 2, 2022

Issue: Terroir 1998

Type: Article



(1) ARSIA. Agenzia regionale toscana per lo sviluppo agricolo e forestale.
Via Pietrapiana 30, 50121 Firenze (ltaly)
(2) DIAF. Dipartimento di ingegneria agricola e forestale, Università di Firenze. Piazzale delle Cascine 15, 50144 Firenze (ltaly)

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IVES Conference Series | Terroir 1998


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