First company results and for the territory on the application of the “bio-Métaéthique 4.1c” in italy. Cultural, socio-economic, technical and productive aspects
In this work the first results obtained in the application of the “Charter of Sustainability Universal Holistic MetaEthic 4.1C” or “Sustainability BIO-MétaÉthique 4.1CC” of GiESCO (Carbonneau, Cargnello, 2017) will be exposed “Direct Certification and Direct Warranty of Sustainability 4.1C” applied in about twenty structures located in the hills and in the plain of the of Italy (North East).
The application of the ” Charter of the Sustainability Universal Holistic MetaEthics 4.1C” or “Sustainability BIO-MétaÉthique 4.1CC” of GiESCO was shared by more than 65% of compilers of the charter and this without any specific communication to the interviewees. This sharing rose more than 95% if the compilers of the form were titled or well-off and with a correct and appropriate communication and allowed us to overcome the imposition of sector limited protocols, unsustainable according to the “Viticulture Bio-MétaÉthique 4.1CC”, inconsistent with the main objective of the same certification, not applicable and/or difficult to apply anywhere.
We cite as an example the eco-friendly, organic and biodynamic viticulture we were able to eliminate the conflict of interests, unacceptable bureaucracy, unacceptable direct and indirect costs, the “confusion” in relation to “Sustainability”, “Certification”, “Guarantee” , to simplify the system and to identify and/or create peculiarities “Sustainable 4.1C”. We also contribute to the indexed harmonic growth “4.1C”: cultural, moral, civil, relational, “Policy” “MetaEthics 4.1C”, ethics, existential, social, occupational, environmental, economic, technical , as well as the growth of the self: choice, determination, responsibility, declaration, control, discipline, and the growth of process and product, rationalizing and containing costs “MetaEthically 4.1C”.
Important is also to make sure that everyone and everything are directly responsible for the role that is right and put their face directly. Hence the acronym of this certification: “CartaBIOSOSDIR4.1C of the Face” or “Let’s Put All the Face 4.1C” or “Certification by putting the Face” or “Certification of the Face 4.1C” or “Certification from the Face” or “Face Certification”, between a “Company BIO-MétaÉthique 4.1C” compared to a “Conventional Company”: the cost containment has fluctuated between 4% and 21% with peaks exceeding 25%.
The buyers willingness to pay more the wine has fluctuated between 6% and 21% with peaks of over 35%. The increase in total profit ranged from 9% to 21% with peaks that duplicated it.
Issue: GiESCO 2019
Type: Poster
1 Conegliano Campus 5.1C, Conegliano (Italy)
2 University of Padua – Seat of Conegliano, Treviso (Italy)
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first results BioMétaÉthique sustainability 4.1CC, company, territory, BIO – MétaÉthique 4.1C district