Study of the content of amino acids and biogenic amines in sparkling red wines
The production of red sparkling wines is lower in Spain in comparison with the winemaking of white or rosé sparkling wines. In red sparkling wine processing it is essential to obtain suitable base wines that should have moderate alcohol content, high acidity, good color values, an adequate mouth-feel and a sweet tannin. Grapes for sparkling wine production have to be harvested at low maturity stages, with lower alcohol contents and higher acidities, which will that the phenolic maturity of the grapes is also low, showing green tannins. This paper analyses different treatments in order to minimize these inconveniences: cold maceration-prefermentation and delestage to elaborate the grapes with lower maturity, must nanofiltration, and the partial osmosis of the wines made from grapes with an adequate maturity degree. The maturity degree of grapes together with the used treatments influence the chemical composition of the wine, especially the nitrogen fraction. Therefore, the aim of this work was to analyze the effect of the grape ripening stage and the treatments on the aminoacid and biogenic amine composition of the base wines and resultant sparkling wines. Base wines were made from Tempranillo grapes by the traditional method with nine months of bottle aging with lees. Base wines could be differentiated in two different groups according their content in amino acids and biogenic amines, showing higher contents the wines made from mature grapes. The treatments applied also influenced the amino acid composition of the base wines. The sparkling wines showed smaller differences in the content of total amino acids and biogenic amines.
We thank the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the funding provided for this study through Project: RTA2012-00092-C02-02 (with FEDER funds)
Issue: Macrowine 2016
Type: Poster