Intelligent article to control the internal pressure in continue in bottles
An intelligent packaging might, among others, provide information and allow monitoring of the quality of the packed product or its surrounding environment. A recent project on micro-flow wine bottles closed with aluminium screw cap and tightness liner, highlighted the importance of monitoring the internal overpressure continuously, in real-time and at least for 72 hours, since the internal pressure on the tightness liner and the micro-flow are related. Real-time and continuous measurements are not the standard methods of measurement of the overpressure, yet. The most used equipment for the determination of the pressure in wine bottle is the aphrometer, a destructive device that supplies a single value of pressure. This paper describes a new intelligent measurement system (namely prototype) that permits real-time and continuous monitoring of the wine bottles headspace pressure. The prototype is composed of two parts. The first part (to be introduced into the headspace of the bottle) is composed by one low-volume transmitting module (4.5cm3) and one measurement system for temperature and pressure (7 bar max). The second part (outside of the bottle) is made of one data-receiving module and one acquisition module. The prototype is validated mainly by comparison with the aphrometer, both in laboratory and in real conditions (wine bottles). In the first test series, an overpressure is generated inside the bottles with dry ice (that melting increased pressure from 0.5 to 3.0 bar). A linear correlation between the aphrometer results and the prototype results is showed, confirming the correctness of the new device measurements. In the second test series, industrial tests are performed directly with the industrial partner by integrating a conditioning wine production and the prototypes are installed inside the wine bottles. The internal overpressures determined with the prototypes are confirmed by these one controlled by the aphrometer.
Issue: Macrowine 2016
Type: Poster