Development of the geographic indication vale do São Francisco for tropical wines in Brazil
Aim: Geographical Indications-GI are commonly used to protect territorial products around the world, such as cheese and wine. This qualification is useful because it improves the producer’s organization, protects and valorizes the distinct origin and quality of the product, increases recognition and notoriety, and adds value for products. Tropical wines are mainly produced in Brazil, India, Thailand, Myanmar and Venezuela. In the 1980’s, Brazil started to produce tropical wines in the São Francisco Valley, where vines are pruned twice per year and grapes are harvested twice a year, due to the natural conditions – high annual average temperature, solar radiation, water availability for irrigation, and vineyard management, using phytoregulators. According to the plot scheduling, wineries can prune and harvest every day throughout the year. In this study, a Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) project was developed between 2013 and 2018. The objective was to produce a dossier that describes the climate and soil conditions, landscape, topography, agronomical and viticultural parameters, as well as the enological protocols used by all wineries, in Vale do São Francisco, a region producing tropical wines. The dossier will be submitted in 2020 by Vinhovasf, an Association of the wineries, to recognize Vale do São Francisco as a Geographical indication (GI) for tropical wines. This GI will include white, red, and also sparkling wines made from traditional varieties of Vitis vinifera L. to the region.
Methods and Results: The geographical area delimited by the GI, includes eight cities presenting similar climate conditions (33,000 km2 of total area). A characterization of the soils in the GI area, as well as the trellis systems of the vineyards, the rootstocks and varieties adapted and authorized, and the enological protocols adopted for winemaking was made. Grape composition and the physicochemical and sensorial parameters of the wines were also characterized.
A dossier has been developed with all the information needed to submit a request for Vale do São Francisco, located in northeastern Brazil to become a GI for still and sparkling tropical wines.
Significance and Impact of the Study: It will be the first GI for tropical wines in the world, using a similar structural model adopted by the European Union. It is expected that this will bring benefits to the wineries, as well as for all producers in general and for the working population involved in the grape and wine production chain in the region. The GI will improve the wine quality, recognition, reputation, valuation and promotion of all products, as it was observed for all GI obtained in the south of Brazil since 2002. Hence, the regional wine sector will improve its competitiveness, enotourism and attraction of new investments in the region.
Issue: Terroir 2020
Type : Video
1Embrapa Grape & Wine, Zip Code 95.701-008, Bento Gonçalves-RS, Brazil
2Universidade de Caxias do Sul-UCS, Zip Code 95.070-560, Caxias do Sul-RS, Brazil
3Embrapa Temperate Agriculture, Zip Code 96.010-971, Pelotas-RS, Brazil
4Embrapa Semi-Arid Region, Zip Code 56.302-970, Petrolina-PE, Brazil
5Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco-UFRPE, Zip Code 52.171-900, Recife-PE, Brazil
6Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano, Zip Code 56.300-000, Petrolina-PE, Brazil
7Vitivinícola Santa Maria/Global Wines, Zip Code 56.395-000, Lagoa Grande-PE, Brazil
8Vinícola do Vale do São Francisco/Vinhovasf, Zip Code 56.380-000, Santa Maria da Boa Vista-PE, Brazil
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Vitis vinifera L, grape, wine, quality, typicality