Enoforum 2021
IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Enoforum Web 9 Enoforum Web Conference 2021 9 PulvéLab: an experimental vineyard for innovation in precision spraying

PulvéLab: an experimental vineyard for innovation in precision spraying


One of the ways to reduce the use of pesticides is to adapt their dosage to the needs of the plant by using variable rate technology for managing field spatial variability. The recent evolution of technologies in the field of robotics, mechatronics and new information and communication technologies is paving the way for the development and diffusion of innovative digital solutions for precision spraying in vineyards. The PulvéLab is a new project launched in 2018 by the research joint unit team ECOTECH (IFV-IRSTEA). This project aims to accelerate innovation in precision viticulture by offering public and private partners a dedicated vineyard estate of 10ha (Hérault, France) to (i) test, (ii) evaluate and (iii) demonstrate the performance of their innovative solutions in operational conditions. The spatial and temporal variations of the vineyard were finely characterized. This characterization has been carried out in partnership with suppliers of vegetation index mapping, either by proxidetection sensors (Lidar IFV-IRSTEA, ForceA, Greenseeker), by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (VineView, Chouette, Fruition Science) or by satellite (ICV-Terranis Oenoview), in order to analyze how these indices can help to establish management zone maps for dose reduction. For instance, we combined a map of vegetation acquired by VineView and the Optidose® model to obtain a dose recommendation map. Plant protection products saving was estimated at bunch closure stage between 10 to 29% according to the disease pressure and to the spatial dose adjustment scale.


Publication date: April 23, 2021

Issue: Enoforum 2021

Type: Article


Xavier Delpuech1,*, Adrien Vergès1, Anice Cheraiet2, Olivier Naud2, Sébastien Codis1

1 Institut Français de la Vigne et du vin (IFV), Montpellier, France.
2 ITAP, Univ Montpellier, INRAE, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier, France.

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Grapevine, spraying technologies, crop protection, precision agriculture.


Enoforum 2021 | IVES Conference Series


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