Macrowine 2021
IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Chinese localization of wine aroma descriptors

Chinese localization of wine aroma descriptors


Wine aroma descriptors are important tools for wine evaluation. The present well-known wine aroma descriptor system was created and based on Western culture, which makes difficult for Chinese consumers to recognize and learn wine.

AIM: The aim of this study was to update the wine aroma descriptor system for Chinese.

Methods: Fifty-four wine aroma descriptors of ‘Le nez du vin’ was used as substitution candidates. Firstly, a survey on unfamiliar aromas was distributed to 150 untrained Chinese wine consumers. Twenty attributors, such as blackcurrent buds, quince, linden, were selected as the most 17 unfamiliar. Then, a descriptive analysis was performed by trained tasting panel to substitute the targeted twenty aromas perfume. Furthermore, reference standards were looked and new le nez du vin were made. Finally, a substitution analysis was performed to replace the unknown wine aroma to the Chinese local aromas. 

 Results: The results showed that three unfamiliar descriptors stayed as it was. Four attributors were failed to find the suitable substitutions. Thirteen terms were replaced by Chinese local aroma attributors. 


These results confirmed that the on-going wine descriptors urgently need to be updated for Chinese consumers. A local wine aroma wheel was built and it is more convenient for Chinese to learn and communicate.


Publication date: September 24, 2021
Issue: Macrowine 2021
Type: Article


Wen Ma, Gang JIN, Lingsheng WEI, Xi LV, Laichao XU 

School of Food & Wine, Ningxia University, P. R. China,

Contact the author


wine, aroma descriptor, china, sensory analysis


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