VITOUR – The European World Heritage Vineyards
UNESCO World Heritage as the link, Europe as the area covered. VITOUR network is born on this idea, on Loire Valley Mission and InterLoire’s initiative. It gathers vineyards inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List.
The economic, tourist, environmental and heritage issues form the bond for this particularly emblematic partnership of wine-producing professionals and managers of the listed sites. Supported by the European Union (INTERREG IIIC), seven sites are working together on the sustainable development of their outstanding landscapes and promoting their discovery through innovative tourism actions.
These sites share many common features: proximity to a river, major component of vine; the “terroir” and know-how of the vine-growers helpful to make understand the reality of the cultural landscape; the need to involve local authorities, heritage managers and tourism organisations to promote these areas in the best possible way. All these UNESCO World Heritage sites share the commitment to develop policies based on the outstanding qualities of their superb landscapes.
Issue: Terroir 2008
Type : Article
Management Team of the VITOUR Programme
Mission Val de Loire – Patrimoine Mondial
81, rue Colbert – BP 4322, 37043 TOURS CEDEX 1, France
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Pole of competitiveness, partnership of excellence, wine landscapes, oenotourism, heritage, culture