IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 OENO IVAS 9 OENO IVAS 2019 9 Category: Analysis and composition of grapes, wines, wine spirits

Analysis and composition of grapes, wines, wine spirits

Analysis and composition of grapes, wines, wine spiritsIVES Conference SeriesOENO IVAS 2019

Identification of cis-2-methyl-4-propyl-1,3-oxathiane as a new volatile sulfur compound (VSC) in wine

Despite their trace concentrations, volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) are an important category of flavour-active compounds that significantly contribute to desirable or undesirable aromas of many foods and beverages. In wines, VSCs in the form of polyfunctional thiols, notably 3-sulfanylhexan-1-ol (3-SH), 3-sulfanylhexyl acetate (3-SHA), and 4-sulfanyl-4-methyl-pentan-2-one (4-MSP), possess extremely low olfactory thresholds (≈ ng/L) and pleasant “tropical aroma” notes. They have received much attention with respect to their sensory contributions, quantitative occurrences, biogenesis, and thiol management through viticulture and winemaking. However, the fate of these potent volatiles are still not fully understood.

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Analysis and composition of grapes, wines, wine spiritsIVES Conference SeriesOENO IVAS 2019

Comparison of tannin analysis by protein precipitation and normal-phase HPLC

Tannins are a heterogenous class of polymeric phenolics found in grapes, oak barrels and wine. In red wine tannins are primarily responsible for astringency, though they also have an important role in reacting with and stabilizing pigments. There are numerous sub-classes of tannins found in wine but they all share structural heterogeneity within each sub-class, with varied polymer composition, configuration and length.

Numerous methodologies exist for the quantification of tannins, however, protein precipitation using bovine serum albumin has proved itself useful due to its strong correlation to the sensory perception of astringency and the basic instruments required for the method. Though the method can yield valuable insights into tannin composition, it cannot be automated easily and necessitates well-trained personnel.

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