Grafting , the most sustainable way to control Phylloxera for over 150 years
Just over 150 years ago, phylloxera, daktulosphaera vitifoliae, was introduced to europe, and particularly france, from north america via imports of american vitis plants. This aphid, with its complex biology and life cycle, has spread rapidly to most vineyards, causing rapid and lethal decline of v. Vinifera vines due to the primary and secondary damage it causes to the roots. In response to this pest, and given the economic importance of the french wine sector, professional representatives organised into ‘agricultural societies’, scientists and public authorities rallied together to identify the exact causes, seek solutions and try to stem the serious socio-economic crisis that ensued.
Exploring physiological diversity in vitis genotypes: hydraulic traits in vines for oenological purposes and vines for table grapes
to maintain viticulture under global warming conditions, it is important to carefully select the appropriate genotypes for each vine-growing region and develop cultivars that are drought resistant. this ability is highly dependent on hydraulic traits, which are dynamic and vary according to the vine’s developmental stage and climatic conditions. this framework steadily enhances our understanding of the differences in drought resistance among vitis genotypes. however, there is still a need to comprehensively grasp the intra-specific variability, particularly between oenological and table grape cultivars.
Vitiforestry as innovative heritage. Adaptive conservation of historical wine-growing landscapes as response to XXI century’s challenges
Traditional agricultural and agro-pastoral systems (prior to industrial revolution) often have the characteristic of being multiple systems, in which multiple crops are hosted simultaneously on the same plot. currently research suggests to study more in depth the potential of multiple agricultural systems in order to detect those characteristics of multiple agrarian systems that could allow modern viticulture to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change: rising temperatures with impacts on the phenological cycle of the vine, resurgence of plant deseases, extreme soil washout phenomena and hail storms, among others.
Soil, vine, climate change – the challenge of predicting soil carbon changes and greenhouse gas emissions in vineyards and is the 4 per 1000 goal realistic?
The evaluation of the current and future impact of climate change on viticulture requires an integrated view on a complex interacting system within the soil-plant-atmospheric continuum under continuous change. Aside of the globally observed increase in temperature in almost all viticulture regions for at least four decades, we observe several clear trends at the regional level in the ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration. Additionally the recently published 6th assessment report of the ipcc (the physical science basis) shows case-dependent further expected shifts in climate patterns which will have substantial impacts on the way we will conduct viticulture in the decades to come.
Pierce’s disease of grapevines, a new threat to the wine industry in Southern Europe
Pierce’s disease (PD) is considered a potential threat to european viticulture (EPPO a2 list of pathogens since 1981). In the usa, infections caused by the vector-borne bacterium xylella fastidiosa have caused recurrent damage to vineyards in California and the southeastern states. However, vineyards in Europe have remained free of PD until recently, when it was first detected on the island of Mallorca in 2017. The reasons for the absence of PD in continental Europe have not been convincingly explained.
Unravelling the mystery of drought tolerance confered by rootstocks
Climate change will increase the frequency of water deficit experienced in certain european regions, due to increased evapotranspiration and reduced rainfall during the growing cycle. We therefore need to find ways of adaption, including the use of more drought-tolerant planting material. In addition to the varieties used as grafts and involved in the wine ypicity of our wines, rootstocks selection is a relevant way of adapting to more restrictive environmental conditions.
Coping with heatwaves: management strategies for vineyard resilience and berry survival
Climate change is leading to an increase in average temperature and in the frequency and severity of heatwaves that is already significantly affecting grapevine phenology and berry composition (Webb et al., 2010). This is compounded by water stress, which is well known to increase the vulnerability of grapevines and berries to heatwaves. In hot climate regions like australia, grape production is only possible due to relatively secure supplies of water for irrigation. However, the upper temperature limits for berry survival of well-watered grapevines remains to be tested.
An ambitious plan to anticipate the withdrawal of plant protection products, backed by the public authorities
Faced with the likely withdrawal of commercial specialities from use in the short to medium term, France has decided to implement an ambitious action plan to anticipate and avoid withdrawal without alternative solutions. The French wine industry (cniv and ifv) has been heavily involved in this action to define priorities. faced with the risk of the withdrawal of multi-site fungicides (folpel, dithianon, copper) coupled with the probable reduction in single-site fungicide solutions, mildew and black rot have been identified as the priority uses.
Carbon and environmental footprint of wine: impact figures and good practices to implement
Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere due to human activities are leading to a rise in the average temperature of the atmosphere. among the scenarios established by the un’s intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC), only two enable us to achieve the minimum objective of the paris agreements signed at cop 21 in 2015: staying below +2°c after 2050. both scenarios forecast a rapid reduction in GHG emissions as early as 2025, thanks to strong international cooperation, the priority given to sustainable development and responsible consumer choices.
Shading nets for the adaptation to climate change: effect on vine physiology and grape quality
Viticulture is threatened by the environmental modification caused by climate change. Higher temperatures determine an acceleration of the ripening process, which can be detrimental to wine quality. In the mediterranean area, heat waves are also increasingly frequent, with consequent blocking of the vegetative activity of the vines and increased susceptibility to sunburn damage. thus, adaptation strategies are necessary to reduce stress and improve the quality of grape production. Amongst the various techniques available, shading nets represent an interesting alternative for their effects on canopy microclimate (i.e., reduction of photosynthetic activity, improvement of water use efficiency, and slowing down in the ripening process).
Unveiling the viticultural heritage of Rachaya, Lebanon: genetic and chemical profiling of local grape varieties
Located in the western bekaa region of lebanon, rachaya is known for its extensive history of viticulture and ideal mediterranean conditions for grapevine cultivation. Despite the area’s importance in grapevine production, there is limited knowledge about the local grape varieties grown there. In this work, we conducted a detailed analysis of five local grapevine varieties in the area, obeidy, kassoufi, foddeh, aswadi, and maryami, of which little is currently known, in comparison to a set of international varieties.
The heritage behind the very old vineyards – the novelty with tradition for the future
In Portugal, the prospection and conservation of representative samples of intra-varietal variability of grapevine has been carried out for 46 years, and in 2010 an infrastructure was created for the conservation of all these genetic resources – the portuguese association for grapevine diversity (porvid) experimental centre for the conservation of grapevine diversity. the aim is to save the genetic identity of ancient varieties to prevent their imminent loss and to preserve the raw material for current and future selections, thus adding economic value and sustainability to the vine and wine sector.
The influence of RNAi-expressing rootstocks in controlling grey mold on grapevine cultivars
Worldwide, with an average of 6.7 million cultivated hectares, of which exclusively 51% in Europe (faostat, 2021), the production of table and wine grapes is a leading sector, with continued growth in Europe in the area devoted to vine cultivation. during the growing season, most of the plant organs can be susceptible to several fungal and oomycete diseases, leading to important economic losses and causing detrimental effects on fruit quality. the increasingly scarce availability of fungicidal products, often also related to their relative impact on the environment, coupled with the emergence of resistance in the pathogen to these products, make defence increasingly challenging.
The Baco Blanc, the Armagnac hybrid variety adapted to the viticultural challenges of tomorrow
Today in the wine industry, a lot of alternatives are available for reducing phytosanitary inputs. Among these, prophylaxis, the use of biocontrol products and the deployment of pathogen-resistant vines are the most promising. eugenol (2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)-phenol), a molecule with recognised antifungal properties, can contribute to the last two alternatives. This molecule has been identified as an endogenous compound in the baco blanc hybrid variety used in armagnac pdo, which is at least tolerant to botrytis cinerea.
Oenological potential of wines and agronomical characterisation of grapes from five white resistant Italian varieties at Serra Gaúcha, Southern Brazil
Rio grande do sul is the main grape producing state in Brazil, with the largest wine-growing area, responsible by 90% of the national production of wines and grape juices. Serra Gaúcha is the main vitivinicultural region, where around 15% of the area is destined to produce wines from vitis vinifera L. grapes. This region presents high rainfall during the grape maturation cycle, a factor that leads to great risk of attacks by fungal pathogens. the use of resistant varieties can reduce the cost and quantity of spraying, improving wine quality, focusing on a sustainable vitiviniculture.
OIV ampelographic descriptors: reviewing process, digitalisation and editing the 3rd edition
Ampelography is aimed at describing the vine according to several characteristics, such as morphology, agronomic aptitudes, technological potential, and genetics. The description of varieties and species of vitis has long been the subject of numerous scientific and technical studies by eminent specialists for a long time, which have led the OIV to publish in 1983 the “descriptor list for grape varieties and vitis species”, a milestone among the OIV worldwide recognised codes.
Protected viticulture: use of photoselective shade nets as a tool to address climate crisis in table grapes in Northern Chile
The production of table grapes in Chile is of great importance, being one of the main established fruit crops with over 43,000 hectares distributed across a diverse climate range, from the southern limit of the Atacama desert to the mediterranean zone. Chile is also one of the leading exporters of table grapes. producers must confront the challenges posed by the climate crisis, such as decreased rainfall, increased heatwaves, and extreme temperature events during the growing season, mainly associated with desertification in northern Chile (Atacama and Coquimbo regions).
Enhancing vineyard resilience: evaluating sustainable practices in the Douro demarcated region
In mediterranean agriculture, sustainability and productivity are seriously threatened by climate change and water scarcity. This situation is exacerbated by poor management practices such as excessive use of agrochemicals, overgrazing, and monoculture. The Douro demarcated region (ddr) is an emblematic region, classified world heritage site by UNESCO in 2001. Viticulture is the main agricultural activity in DDR, widely known to produce port wine.
Three new Apulian seedless varieties available for the table grape supply chain
The table grape industry in Europe is undergoing significant changes. For instance, in Italy, the national register of vine varieties was established in 1969, and since then, many varieties of table grapes have been registered. In the first thirty years, from 1969 to 1999, 62 seeded and 24 seedless varieties were registered. In the subsequent period, from 2000 to the present day, 23 seeded varieties and 99 seedless varieties were registered.
Metabolic response of vitis vinifera and interspecific vitis sp. varieties to heat stress, water deficit and combined stress, using a metabolomic approach
As greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, climate projections indicate an increased likelihood of heat waves and drier conditions in canada. these changes pose significant challenges to grapevine cultivation, particularly during critical growth stages such as new plantings. interspecific hybrid grape varieties, developed through different breeding programs that combine vitis vinifera with more robust species like v. riparia and v. labrusca varieties, are often touted for their potential resilience to environmental stress.