Characteristics of ecological production of grape and wine in Prizren’s vineyard territory in Yugoslavia
Prizren’s vineyard territory-y assigned for ecological production of grapes and wine includes 1. 200 hectares of vineyard located in five separate localities which belongs to the P KB “Kosovo vina”, Mala Krusa in Prizren. Division of vineyard territory in zones was carried out in 1974. Pertaining to the vineyards, the climate and soil conditions have been studied and determined as well as topographie establishing of vineyard boundaries. Zoning determined the vine varieties intended for production of all quality categories of wine with controlled geographical origin. Ecological production of grapes and wine started in 1992. Ecological production of grapes includes several procedures among which the most important once are as follows. mechanical weed control. Herbicides are completely excluded. Synthetic mineral fertilisers are also excluded. Among organic fertilisers rain~worm humus based substrate is used. Foliar fertilisers with synthetic fertiliser content are also out of use. Vitastemin is the only natural stimulant in use of fongicides, only those recommended for Ecological production are used. Synthetic insecticides are not in use.
Ecological production includes procedures and materials permitted and recommended by the EU Bottled wines have “Eco wine” written on their labels. Cellar capacities for wine production are 28.000 tons.
Issue: Terroir 1998
Type: Article
(1) Faculty of Agricolture, Nemanjina, 6., 11081 – Zemun, Yugoslavia
(2) PKB “KOSOVO VINO”, Mala Krusa, 38 400 – Prizren, Yugoslavia
Ecological production, grape, wine, procedures, materials, means, directions