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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Observatoire Grenache en Vallée du Rhône: incidence du terroir sur certains précurseurs d’arômes et substances volatiles

Observatoire Grenache en Vallée du Rhône: incidence du terroir sur certains précurseurs d’arômes et substances volatiles


As observed in other grape varieties, Red Grenache juice contains low level of volatiles. The main flavor compounds are ” Iock up “as flavorless glycoconjugates which could generate at the wine pH volatile flavorants and constitute the varietal aroma of this cultivar. Red Grenache berries from 5 vineyards of the 1995-1997 vintages were analysed using absorption on resin XAD2, and identification with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. This paper reports nine volatile aglycons released from glycoconjugates, selected for their sensorial properties using GC-olfactometry. MANOVA and factorial discriminant analysis was used to show the relationships between vintage and vineyard effects and the varietal aromatic potential of the Red Grenache cultivar.


Publication date: March 2, 2022

Issue: Terroir 1998

Type: Article


ORMIERES J.F. (1,2), MASSON G. (1), BAUMES R. (2), BAYONOVE C. (2), LURTON L. (1)

(1) C.I.V.C.R.V.R – Institut Rhôdanien, 2260 Route du Grès, 84100 Orange, France
(2) Laboratoire des Arômes et des Substances Naturelles, IPV-INRA, 2 place Viala, 34060, Montpellier Cedex, France


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 1998


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