Diversificazione e valorizzazione di produzioni tipiche sul territorio: I cesanesi
The zone in which the Cesanese vines are cultivated has a secular tradition of red winemaking. This zone is placed between the Simbruini mountains slopes and the surrounding hills and has pedologicai variability but a very homogeneous microclimate.
These conditions favour high quality of Cesanese grapes and wines. The investigations started for some time, with the contribution of “Regione Lazio”, regarding the characterization and improvement of vine-growing and wine-producing of this zone, pointed out the presence of some “Cesanese di Affile” clones.
Among them will be choosed the best for colour, typicalness and quality. The Cesanese wines, with typical flavour and mellow taste are specially suitable for sweet or dry young wines and for dry wines short-middle aged.
The mixing of grape with high and constant antocyanins content and the grape withering technique, are both able to produce very good wine diversifications.
Issue: Terroir 1998
Type: Article
lstituto Sperimentale per l’Enologia, Via Cantina Sperimentale 1 – 00049 Velletri – Roma