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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Biodiversity in the vineyard agroecosystem: exploring systemic approaches

Biodiversity in the vineyard agroecosystem: exploring systemic approaches


Biodiversity conservation and restoration are essential for guarantee the provision of ecosystem services associated to vineyard agroecosystem such as climate regulation trough carbon sequestration and control of pests and diseases. Most of published research dealing with the complexity of the vineyard agroecosystems emphasizes the necessity of innovative approaches, including the integration of information at different temporal and spatial scales and development of systemic analysis based on modelling. A biodiversity survey was conducted in the Franciacorta wine-growing area (Lombardy, Italy), one of the most important Italian wine-growing regions for sparkling wine production, considering a portion of the territory of 112 ha. The area was divided into several Environmental Units (EUs), defined as a whole vineyard or portion of vineyard homogenous in terms of four agronomic characteristics: planting year, planting density, cultivar, and training system. In each EU a set of compartments was identified and characterised by specific variables. The compartments are meteorology, morphology (altitude, slope, aspect, row orientation, and solar irradiance), ecological infrastructures and management. The landscape surrounding EU was also characterised in terms of land-use in a buffer zone of 500 m. For each component a specific methodology was identified and applied. Different statistical approaches were used to evaluate the method to integrate the information related to different compartments within the EU and related to the buffer zone. These approaches were also preliminarily evaluated for their ability to describe the contribution of biodiversity and landscape components to ecosystem services. This methodological exploration provides useful indication for the development of a fully systemic approach to structural and functional biodiversity in vineyard agroecosystems, contributing to promote a multifunctional perspective for the all wine-growing sector. 


Publication date: May 4, 2022

Issue: Terclim 2022

Type: Poster


Isabella Ghiglieno1, Anna Simonetto1, Elia Lipreri1, Stefano Armiraglio2, Ivo Rigamonti3, Luigi Mariani1,4, Pierluigi Donna5, and Gianni Gilioli1

1Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics, Agrofood Lab, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
2Museum of Natural Sciences, Municipality of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
3Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
4Lombardy Museum of Agricultural History, Sant’Angelo Lodigiano , Italy
5Sata Studio Agronomico S.r.l. – S.t.p., Brescia, Italy

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vineyard agroecosystem, biodiversity, landscape, ecological infrastructures, management


IVES Conference Series | Terclim 2022


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