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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 First step in the preparation of a soil map of the Protected Designation of Origin Valdepeñas (Central, Spain)

First step in the preparation of a soil map of the Protected Designation of Origin Valdepeñas (Central, Spain)


This work is a first step to make a map of vineyard soils. The characterization of the soils of the Protected Designation of Origin (D.P.O.) Valdepeñas will allow to group the studied profiles according to their physico-chemical characteristics and the concentrations of most relevant chemical elements. 90 soil profiles were analysed throughout the territory and the soils were sampled and described according to FAO (2006) and classified according to and Soil Taxonomy (2014). All samples were air dried, sieved and some physico-chemical parameters were determined following standard protocols. Also, major and trace elements were analysed by X-ray fluorescence. The statistically study was made using the SPSS program. Trend maps were made using the ArcGIS program. The studied soils have the following average properties: pH, 8.3; electrical conductivity, 0,20 dS/m (low); clay, 18.8% (medium) and CaCO3, 17.1% (high). In the study for the major elements. The major elements of these soils are Si, followed by Ca and Al, with an average content of 203.7 g/kg, 105.5 g/kg and 74.0 g/kg respectively. On the other hand, 27 trace elements have been studied. Of all of them, it can be highlighted the average values of Ba (361.8 mg/kg), Sr (129.3 mg/kg), Rb (83.4 mg/kg), V (74.2 mg/kg) and Ce (70.6 mg/kg). Ba, V and Ce values are higher and the values of Sr and Rb are lower to those found in the literature. The discriminant analysis shows a percentage of grouping of 91%. The content of chemical elements together with the physico-chemical characteristics allows grouping the soils in 4 group according to their order in the classification to Soil Taxonomy; due to the importance of the Calcisols in Castilla-La Mancha, it has been decided to establish them as their own group even if they do not appear in Soil Taxonomy classification.


Publication date: May 5, 2022

Issue: Terclim 2022

Type: Poster


Francisco Jesús García-Navarro1, José Ángel Amorós1, Caridad Pérez-de-los-Reyes1, Jesús García-Pradas1, Raimundo Jímenez-Ballesta2 and Sandra Bravo1

1University of Castilla-La Mancha, H.T.S. Agricultural Engineers of Ciudad Real, Ronda de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, Spain
2University Autónoma of Madrid, Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Faculty of Science, Madrid, Spain

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soil mapping, trace elements, calcisols


IVES Conference Series | Terclim 2022


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