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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Copper contamination in vineyard soils of Bordeaux: spatial risk assessment for the replanting of vines and crops

Copper contamination in vineyard soils of Bordeaux: spatial risk assessment for the replanting of vines and crops


Copper (Cu) is widely and historically used in viticulture as a fungicide against mildew. Cu has a strong affinity for soil organic matter and accumulates in topsoil horizons. Thus, Cu may negatively affect soil organisms and plants, consequently reducing soil fertility and productivity. The Bordeaux vineyards have the largest vineyard surfaces (26%) within French controlled appellation and a great proportion of French wine production (around 5 million hl per year). Considering the local context of vineyard surfaces decreasing (vine uprooting) and possible new crop plantation, the issue of Cu potential toxicity rises. Therefore, the aims of this work are firstly to evaluate the Cu contamination in vineyard soils of Bordeaux, secondly to produce a risk assessment map for new vine or crop plantation. We used soil analyses from several local studies to build a database with 4496 soil horizon samples. The database was enhanced by means of pedotransfer functions in order to estimate the bioaccessible (EDTA-extractable) Cu in soils of samples without measurements. From this database, 1797 georeferenced samples with CuEDTA concentrations in the topsoil (0-50 cm depth) were used for kriging interpolation in order to produce the spatial distribution map of CuEDTA in vineyard soils. Then, the spatial distribution of Cu was crossed with vine uprooting surfaces and municipality boundaries. CuEDTAconcentrations ranged from 0.52 to 459 mg/kg and showed clear anomalies. Our results from spatial analysis showed that almost 50% of vineyard soil surfaces have CuEDTA concentrations higher than 30 mg/kg (moderate risk for new plantation) and 20% with concentrations higher than 50 mg/kg (high risk for new plantation). A decision-support map based on municipalities was realised to provide a simple tool to stakeholders concerned by land use management.


Publication date: May 31, 2022

Issue: Terclim 2022

Type: Poster


Lionel Savignan1, Guillaume Bonneau1,2, Stéphanie Jalabert1, Alexandre Lee1 and Philippe Chéry1

1Bordeaux Sciences Agro, EA 4592 Géoressources et Environnement, Gradignan, France
2Fédération Régionale d’Agriculture Biologique de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France

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copper, wine-growing soil, bioaccessibility, ecotoxicity, spatial distribution, risk assessment


IVES Conference Series | Terclim 2022


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