Similarities among wine aromas and landscape scents around the vineyard in five Mediterranean sites
We compared 68 aroma compounds in wines from 5 vineyards in order to see similarities among the wine aroma and the scent of some of the main native plants from the respective vineyards. The work started with characterising the plant vegetation and the main plants and herbs in the boundaries and field growing in each 5 selected vineyards in Catalonia, Spain. Then 3 wines from each vineyard were analysed for aroma compounds and sensory description. In spring-early summer of 2021, 168 plants were recognised in the prospected sites. We found differences in the plant species diversity that characterised each vineyard landscape. Each vineyard had a particular set of plant species with a unique mix of aroma compounds. We compared the aromas of the wines and the aromas of the plants and found several matches among them. Further studies may offer a better understanding but it seems to be a connection or similarity among the landscape’s aroma and the wines obtained in proximity. Among the compounds with the highest odorant value found are the nosioprenoids ionone and damascenone and terpenes with floral and fruity aromas. This research allows a better understanding of the landscape and wines and to visualize the importance of preserving biodiversity as a management criteria and highlight its value in the vineyards. It can also be a tool for communication between the winemaker and the consumer.
Issue: IVAS 2022
Type: Article
1Catalan Vine and Wine Institute (INCAVI), University Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Pl. Agora 2, 08720 Vilafranca del Penedes, Barcelona, Spain
2University of Barcelona IrBio
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wine aroma, regional typicity, biodiversity