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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 IVAS 9 IVAS 2022 9 A new chemiluminescence method related to molecules derived from Botrytis cinerea for characterization of Aszu wines from Tokaj, from Hungary

A new chemiluminescence method related to molecules derived from Botrytis cinerea for characterization of Aszu wines from Tokaj, from Hungary


For the chemical characterization of Aszu wines from Tokaj region our aim is to develop a biochemical method which is related to Botrytis cinerea. As in these wines there are continuously present small amounts of Cytochrome C enzyme derived from apoptotic cells infected with Botrytis (1), and H2O2 produced during the oxidation of alcohols by Botrytis (2), and their oxidative interaction can produce reactive “ferril-peroxide complexes  inducing chemiluminescence (photon emission) (3), the  principle of method is as follows: the capability of various Aszu wines is measured by luminometer how they can stimulate the production of chemiluminescence of basal biochemical reaction (Cytochrome C + H2O2) compared to a standard solution of „artificial furmint”. The size of stimulation is expressed numerically by „Index of Stimulation” (I.S.). Based on a great number of measurements evaluated by statistical methods we created three categories for the quality of Aszu wines from the aspect of Botrytis effects valid for given laboratory condition. „Tokaj Aszu of poor quality”: I. S. < 2,79„Tokaj Aszu of outstanding quality”: I.S. = 2,80-3,54„Tokaj Aszu of excellent quality”: S.I. > 3,55 These categories correlate well with other factors of Aszu quality (aroma, flavour, smell) but do not cover them totally.  The I.S. values of Aszu wines show a significantly positive correlation with the concentrations of gluconic acid (p


Publication date: June 23, 2022

Issue: IVAS 2022

Type: Article


Sándor Sipka1, NagyAndrea1, Csősz Éva2 and Baráth Sándor1

1Division of Clinical Immunology University of Debrecen, Móricz Zs. Str. 22. 4032 Debrecen, Hungary
2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Debrecen, Hungary

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chemiluminescence assay, Botrytis cinerea, Aszu of Tokaj, Cytochrome C, hydrogen peroxide


IVAS 2022 | IVES Conference Series


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