Handbook of the charter of the universal holistic metaethics sustainability 4.1c” for certification and warranty bio-métaétique 4.1c
Defined the new paradigm, the applied philosophy, the methodology, the algorithm of the “Charter for Universal Holistic MetaEthic Sustainability 4.1C17.18”, research has continued to define and write, an handbook that should be:”Complete Universal Holistic MetaEthics 4.1C of descriptors” of the “Charter for Sustainability Universal Holistic MetaEthic 4.1C17.18” with basic and applicative indexing.
In these activities and research we have involved over 3500 Italian and non-Italian people from the research world to simple but educated, enlightened and enlightening citizens and we have analyzed over 180000 entries concerning the descriptors above, which represent the basic “descriptors”.
This innovative revolutionary innovative ” Handbook of the Charter of the Universal Holistic Sustainability 4.1C17.18″:
1-is particularly important to contribute to have a single basic certification of local sustainability, national, international and this without creating problems to the existing one,
2-fundamental in the application of the original innovative revolutionary ” Direct Certification and Direct Warranty of Sustainability” as it puts the producer in condition, among other things:
2.1- to choose from the most universal and complete range of descriptors, which/which descriptors submit to the “Certification and Guarantee Bio-MetaEthics 4.1C”,
2.2-of “Communicate 4.1C” to the user of the service (buyer, consumer included) the state of the art of a truly original innovative revolutionary ” Direct Certification and Direct Warranty of Holistic Universal MetaEthics Sustainability 4.1C17.18 “,
2.3-to stimulate:
2.3.1-the identification and/or creation of specific qualified and qualifying original descriptors,
2.3.2-the addition to the handbook: general of descriptors to be certified and guaranteed 4.1C, particular of specific original descriptors qualified and qualifying for the activity, the company, the brand, the territory and beyond it.
Issue: GiESCO 2019
Type: Poster
1 Conegliano Campus 5.1C, Conegliano (Italy)
2 Montpellier SupAgro, IHEV, Montpellier (Francia)
3 University of Padua – Seat of Conegliano, Treviso (Italy)
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sustainability, handbook, certification 4.1C, bio – metaethic sustainability 4.1C