Early likovrisi: the new white very early table grape seedless and resistant variety
Context and purpose of the study – This paper presents is the create, the study and ampelographic description the new «Early Likovrisi», that was created (2014) in Greece by Pantelis Zamanidis.
Material and methods – The variety created by crossing with the hybridization method of the varieties “Talisman” and “Florina”. “Early Likovrisi” is a cross-breeding between American, Europeanand Far East (V. Amurensis).
Results – The table grape variety is a seedless, early-maturing, and resistant. The time between budburst and grape maturity is 126-135 days. The variety is very strong with large shoots growth (2.1 – 3.0 m). The growth of shoots is higher over 95%. The percentage of the fruitful shoots is greater than 90%. The yield is high more than 30–40 t / ha. The average weight of the cluster is 800 gIt has high resistance to fungal diseases, insects, high resistance to low temperatures, high resistance to drought and tolerant in Phylloxera compared to other varieties of Vitisvinifera.. The shoot and the tip of the young shoot are green-colored and hairless. The mature leaf is medium size, symmetrical, and five hardlobs. The flowers are hermaphrodite. The cluster is high sized, conical, winged and of medium density. The berry is big – average berry weight 7 gr – with a sort elliptical shape, green-yellow color, and medium skin. The taste of the berry pulp is characteristic of the «Early Likovrisi» variety. The content of sugar is high. Berry seeds are present but not developed. The «Early Likovrisi» variety is suitable for table grape production. Can be used in the genetic improvement of Vitis viniferavarieties as a resistance donor, for fungal diseases, insects and low temperature
Issue: GiESCO 2019
Type: Poster
(1) Department of Viticulture of Athens. Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Cropsand Viticulture,.Hellenic. Agricultural Organization-DEMETER 1 S. Venizelou Str., 14123, Lykovrisi, Attiki, Greece.
(2) Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese, School of Agricultural Technology, 24100 Antimalamos, Kalamata
(3) Agricultural University of Athens, 75 IeraOdos str., 11855, Botanikos, Attica
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Hybridization, variety, shoots, leaves, inflorescence, cluster, berry