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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Terroir Conferences 9 Terroir 2016 9 Climates of Wine Regions Worldwide 9 Climate change projections in serbian wine-growing regions

Climate change projections in serbian wine-growing regions


Changes in bioclimatic indices in wine-growing region of Serbia are analyzed under the RCP 8.5 IPCC scenario. Results of a global climate model are dynamically downscaled on a horizontal resolution of about 8 km, using a regional model NMMB for a period 1971-2100. Statistical bias correction of regional climate model’s daily outputs of precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature are done for an entire territory of Serbia, using a dataset of daily observation on a regular 8 km grid. Four of bioclimatic indices widely used in viticulture were calculated from the observations in the period 1971-2000 and from the bias corrected model output for two periods in the future, 2011-2040 and 2071-2100.

Results show temperature increase, especially during the vegetation period. By the end of the century precipitation amount during the growing season will significantly drop, alongside with a change of the intramural precipitation distribution towards the Mediterranean climate characteristics. Consequently, climate characteristics of Serbian wine-growing regions will drastically change towards a very warm and moderately dry climate categories.


Publication date: June 23, 2020

Issue: Terroir 2016

Type: Article


Mirjam VUJADINOVIC (1,2), Ana VUKOVIC (1,2,) Darko JAKSIC (3), Vladimir DJURDJEVIC (4,2), Mirjana RUML (1), Zorica RANKOVIC-VASIC (1), Zoran PRZIC (1), Branislava SIVCEV (1), Nebojsa MARKOVIC (1), Bojan CVETKOVIC (2), Pierfederico LA NOTTE (5)

(1) Department of Viticulture, Institute of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, 11080 Belgrade, Nemanjina 6., Serbia
(2) South East European Climate Change Center, RHMSS, 11000 Belgrade, Bulevar Oslobodjenja 8, Serbia
(3) Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, 11000 Belgrade, Nemanjina 22-26, Serbia
(4) Institute of Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, 11000 Belgrade, Dobracina 16, Serbia
(5) Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, National Research Council of Italy, I-70126 Bari, Via Zmendola 122/D, Italy

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climate change, wine-growing regions, Serbia, regional climate model, high resolution, viticulture


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2016


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