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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Macrowine 9 Macrowine 2010 9 Impact of microbiological and enological techniques on wine macromolecules 9 Changes in wine secondary metabolites composition by the timing of inoculation with lactic acid bacteria: impact on wine aroma

Changes in wine secondary metabolites composition by the timing of inoculation with lactic acid bacteria: impact on wine aroma


For the first time, it was established that the timing of inoculation with LAB could significantly impact the concentration of many secondary metabolites leading to significant aromatic changes. From studied compounds, the most influenced were esters and diacetyl. No trend was emphasized according to the methods of inoculation with LAB. The sensory analyses performed in this study displayed significant differences in the aromatic profiles according the way of inoculation with LAB.

Publication date: July 3, 2024

Issue: Macrowine 2010

Type: Article



ISVV, UMR 1219 Œnologie, INRA, Université de Bordeaux, 210 chemin de Leysotte, CS 50008, 33882 Villenaved’Ornon, F.

Contact the author*


lactic acid bacteria, fermentation, secondary metabolites


IVES Conference Series | Macrowine | Macrowine 2010


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