Climate variability and its effects in the Penedès vineyard region (NE Spain)
This study present a detailed analysis of the rainfall and temperature changes in the Penedès region in the period 1995/ 96 – 2008/09, in comparison with the trends observed during the last 50 years, and its implications on phenology and yield. Temperature increases are higher than in previous time periods, which together with the irregular rainfall distribution throughout the year give rise to significant water deficits for vine development. Water deficits are being exacerbated during the last years by the increase of temperatures which imply an increase of evapotranspiration. The dates at which each phenological stage starts and the length of the different phenological stages are affected by temperature (accumulated degree-days and daily air temperature difference), precipitation and water accumulated into the soil. Winegrape yield was also influenced by soil water availability.
Issue: Terroir 2010
Type: Article
Department of Environment and Soil Science. University of Lleida.
Alcalde Rovira Roure 191, 25198, Lleida, Spain
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Evapotraspiration, Mediterranean climate, NE Spain, phenology, trends, yield