Climatic influences on Mencía grapevine phenology and grape composition for Amandi (Ribeira Sacra, Spain)
During the year 2009 we have studied the phenology and grape composition of Mencía cultivar in seven different situations (orientation and altitude) for Amandi subzone (D.O. Ribeira Sacra, Spain). The results showed the influence of terroir on the Mencía growth stages (budburst, floraison, veraison, and harvest). All phenological data indicate that there is a delay in budburst for V-2 of 15 days respect to V-5 and V-6. A delay for floraison also was found for V-2 and V-3 (8 days respect to the others vineyards). In the veraison the delay was for V-1 and V-2 (3 days) respect to other vineyards studied. Significant differences were found in grape composition: total acidity, pH, malic acid, color intensity and anthocyanins. The volatiles also were influenced by the terroir, showed higher concentration of free compounds for V-2 (416 and SW) than the others vineyards and the total bound composition shower the highest values for V-4.
Issue: Terroir 2010
Type: Article
(1) Sciences Faculty of Ourense, Edificio Politécnico, As Lagos s/n 32004, Ourense (Spain)
(2) Misión Biológica de Galicia-CSIC. PO BOX 28, Pontevedra (Spain)
Contact the author
Mencía, Phenology, Amandi, Spain