Comparative studies on the dynamics of fermentation of selected wine yeasts
Alcoholic fermentation is an anaerobic biochemical process of oxidation-reduction in which carbohydrates are metabolized by the action of yeast enzymes in major products (ethylalcohol and carbon dioxide) and minor products (superior alcohols, aldehydes, acetic acid, glycerol, volatile acids and others). Typical agents of the alcoholic fermentation are from Saccharomyces genus, by fermentation resulting concentrations in ethylic alcohol higher that 8 alcoholic degrees. In this paper it was studied the dynamics of fermentation of 3 strains of Saccharomyces ellipsoideus wine yeast and were observed parameters such as the accumulation of alcohol, the release of CO2, temperature, amount of oxygen released. It was found that alcoholic fermentation depends on medium factors but also on biotechnological qualities of yeasts selected for this purpose.
Issue: Terroir 2010
Type: Article
Lucian Blaga University
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Food Industry and Environmental Protection, Ioan Ratiu street no.7-9
Sibiu, Romania
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Alcoholic fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisie var. ellipsoideus, yeast, fermenter