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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Characterization of the Origin Denomination “Ribeira Sacra”

Characterization of the Origin Denomination “Ribeira Sacra”


“Ribeira Sacra” is an origin denomination located between the provinces of Lugo and Ourense, in Galicia (northwest of Spain). With a surface of 1.250 Ha, the Ribeira Sacra is divided into 5 different subzones where the main culture variety is the Mencía cultivar. The evaluation of the ground fertility index and its repercussion in the wine quality of the 5 subzones was determined in 2003. The ground analyses indicated that all the parcels are sandy textured with high C/N ratio. Most of the samples showed an average value of acidity, with unbalance in the phosphorus and potassium content. Important differences were detected in the alcoholic levels, total acidity and pH of wines. The malic acid content varied according to the location. Important differences in the anthocyanin concentration and the total polyphenol index were found.


Publication date: December 8, 2021

Issue: Terroir 2008

Type : Article



Estación de Viticultura e Enología de Galicia. Consellería de Medio Rural
32427 Ponte San Clodio. Leiro (Ourense)

Contact the author


Ribeira Sacra, zone, acidity, alcoholic degree, phenolic compounds


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2008


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