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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Main viticultural soils in Castilla – La Mancha (Spain)

Main viticultural soils in Castilla – La Mancha (Spain)


Castilla-La Mancha is the biggest vineyard in the world. Once similar soils have been identified in Castilla-La Mancha (soils chosen are very representative of vineyards areas in the region), the results obtained will be very useful in helping us to choose the right varieties, rootstock, cultivation techniques, canopy management, irrigation system, etc… In further studies this typology will help us in works of viticulture zonification in areas where this technique is improving now.


Publication date: December 8, 2021

Issue: Terroir 2008

Type : Article



1) Esc. Universitaria Ing. Tec. Agrícola. UCLM. Ronda de Calatrava Nº 7 130071 Ciudad Real
(2) Unidad de suelos. Instituto Tecn, Química y Medioambiental (ITQUIMA-UCLM) 
(3) Dt Geología y Geoquímica. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


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Soil, climate, rootstock, variety 


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2008


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