Relations between soil characteristics and must and wine composition in different terroirs of Emilia Romagna (Italy)
The under-way zoning works of the Emilia viticulture have pointed out a huge variability of the features of the soils, which belong to this area. From the “Colli di Parma” to the “Colli d’Imola”, going along the hilly environment across the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena and Bologna, all over a vine area of 7.000 ha, you can find more than 30 soils, which have also been described. For a few of them, the most typical of each territory, that have the same topographic conditions as well as the same local climate and the same cultural practices, it has been possible to underline their influence on the vegetative and productive features of the local grapevine varieties, as well as on the quality of their wines. A positive and significant relation was established for the variety Sangiovese between the active limestone levels and the sensory characteristics of the wine.
Issue: Terroir 2008
Type : Article
(1) Università Cattolica S.C., Via Emilia Parmense, 84 – 29100 Piacenza
(2) C.R.P.V. Filiera Vitivinicola e Olivicola; Via Tebano, 54 – 48018 Faenza (RA)
(3) I.TER Soc. coop.; Via Brugnoli, 11 – 40122 Bologna
(4) ASTRA Innovazione e Sviluppo s.r.l. – 48018 Faenza (RA)
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milieu viticole, terroir, sol, qualité du mout, profil sensoriel du vin