Characterization of varieties named ‘Caiño’ cultivated from Northwest of Spain
The ‘Caiño’ cultivar was cultivated in Galicia (Northwestern Spain) before the invasion of grape phylloxera. Genetic diversity from this cultivar have been described and considered as originating in Galicia, ‘Caiño Tinto’, ‘Caiño Bravo’, ‘Caiño Redondo’, ‘Caiño Longo’ and ‘Caiño Blanco’. ‘Caiño’ was recommended as a principal cultivar for new plantations in the ‘Ribeiro’ Designation of Origin (D.O.) due to its potential for producing quality wines. Four accessions were collected from the Gemplasm Bank of Grapevines in the EVEGA (Estación de Viticultura y Enología de Galicia), Xunta de Galicia. These accessions have been studied using ampelography, ampelometry, agronomic characters. Microsatellites were selected, as recommended, to distinguish grapevine cultivars and profiles were compared with previous results. Six microsatellite primers and morphological characteristics differentiated every accession and they may therefore be considered as different cultivars. Two cultivars from the EVEGA presented genotypes that had not been reported previously: ‘Caiño Longo-EVEGA’ and ‘Caiño da Terra’
Issue: Terroir 2008
Type : Article
(1) Estación de Viticultura y Enología de Galicia. Ponte San Clodio s/n. 324270 Ourense, Spain
(2) Departamento de Producción Vexetal. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Campus de Lugo, 27002 Lugo, Spain
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Caíño, ampelography, ampelometry, agronomy, microsatellites