Effect of row direction in the upper part of the hillside vineyard of Somló, Hungary
Hillside vineyards have a great potential to produce world class wines. The unique microclimate lead to the production of rich, flavory wines. However site development needs land clearing, rock removal, terracing, engineered water collecting drainage system. Because of the very high cost of establishment every part of the plantation needs to be very carefully planned, designed and established. Row direction has a pronounced effect on sunlight interception. The amounts of direct light are absorbed by the canopy is influenced by the row direction. Commonly known that greater amounts of light absorbed by the canopy the mid-morning and mid-afternoon in rows directed north-south compared to east –west. But information on the effects of row direction on the fruit quality of grapevines are limited. Therefore we established an experiment on hill Somló to determine if row direction has role to improve the quality or not. We have 24 % less yield, higher sugar content, lower acid content in row direction east-west compared to the north-south in 2006. Similar results were obtained in 2007 as well. The catechin contents differed statistically only among other poliphenols between the row directions. The wine analysis and organoleptical evaluation showed that the east-west oriented rows produced better quality of wine in 2006. We have very extreme weather conditions in 2007 in July and August therefore we have not got the same picture in 2007 like in 2006. Even if we have only two year results the clear influence of row direction pictured on the quality of the yield.
Issue: Terroir 2008
Type : Article
(1) University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture; 8360 Keszthely, Deák F. u. 16
(2) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology, Badacsony; 8261 Badacsonytomaj, Római út 165
(3) Kreinbacher Estate Wine, Trading and Hospitality Limited, 8481 Somlóvásárhely P.O.Box 3
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row direction, quality, grape production, upper hill vineyard