AOC Saint-Romain, Hautes-Côtes-de-Beaune, Burgundy: analysis of a “terroir”


The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the terroir of Saint-Romain, Burgundy, based on three main information sources: official data relating to vines (CVI), soil cartography and a survey of winegrowers’ practices.
We attempted to correlate the contribution of each these sources in defining the overall characteristics of a vineyard. A description of the terrain, the adaptation of work practices, technical results and commercial priorities were all taken into account. This demonstrates the existence of a territorial identity for Saint-Romain, strongly confirmed by local knowledge of vine comportment and environmental stress. However, this local know-how does not yet lead to obvious commercial benefits; for example, the range of prices in different localities does not reflect the qualitative differences revealed in winegrowers’ practices and perceptions of their territory.


Publication date: December 8, 2021

Issue: Terroir 2008

Type : Article


Virginie PETIT (1), Eric VINCENT (2)

(1) IUVV Jules Guyot, rue Claude Ladrey – BP 27 877 – 21 078 DIJON CEDEX
(2) INAO 53, rue de Mulhouse 21000 DIJON

Contact the author


Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée, terroir, sols, usages, vignoble


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2008


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