High resolution remote sensing for mapping intra-block vine vigour heterogeneity
In vineyard management, the block is considered today as the technical work unit. However, considerable variability can exist inside a block with regard to physiological parameters, such as vigour, particularly because of soil heterogeneity. To represent this variability spatially, many measurements have to be taken, which is costly in both time and money. High resolution remote sensing appears to be an efficient tool for mapping intra-block heterogeneity. A vegetation index, the Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI), calculated with red and near infrared leaf reflectance can be used as a vine vigour indicator. Because of the cultivation of vines in rows, a specific image treatment is needed. Only high resolution remote sensing (pixels less than 20 cm per side) allows the discrimination between row pixels and inter-row ones. The significant correlation between NDVI and pruning weight and the possibility to map the vigour with the NDVI by means of high resolution remote sensing, show the ability of NDVI to assess intra-block variations of vine vigour.
Issue: Terroir 2006
Type: Article
(1) ENITA de Bordeaux, 1 cours du Général de Gaulle, CS 40201, 33175 Gradignan cedex, France
(2) INRA de Bordeaux, Domaine de la Grande Ferrade, 71, avenue Édouard Bourlaux B.P. 81, 33 883 Villenave d’Ornon cedex, France
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vine, Vitis vinifera L., remote sensing, high resolution, pruning weight, NDVI