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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Terroir Conferences 9 Terroir 2006 9 Integrated approach in terroir studies (Terroir 2006) 9 Relationship between soil and grapevine variety in the wineyard of Jura: example for the “Trousseau” variety from the “Terroir” of Montigny-Lès-Arsures (France)

Relationship between soil and grapevine variety in the wineyard of Jura: example for the “Trousseau” variety from the “Terroir” of Montigny-Lès-Arsures (France)


Seven plots located in the commune of Montigny-lès-Arsures (Jura, 39), planted with grapevine varieties Trousseau and Savagnin, were chosen for a study of soil pits and a distribution of major and trace chemical elements in soils and wines. It was shown that the mineral matrix of the soil reflects the geological substratum and the sub-surface alteration process, while the organic soil matrix depends on agro-viticultural practices. Major and trace elements (54 elements analysed) were assessed in the surface soil layer (Ap horizon) and in two sub-soil layers (B or C horizon). Major elements reflect the influence of the limestone-marl substratum (Trias-Lias), sometimes dominated by silico-aluminium constituents (clay particles inherited from the altered Bajocien layer). For trace elements, a principle Component Analyses (PCA) shows a distribution of the plots in three groups, which are defined by their pedological – sedimentary origin: soils on Clay with “Chailles”, soils on Trias and Lias marls, and soils on clay and alluvial fan from Bajocien sediment. Patterns of chemical element among soil layers show the contribution of the natural geological background and of the agro-viticultural practices. In the soil surface layers of some plots, high levels of trace elements (Pb, Cu and As) are the result of the use of pesticides. The Principal Component Analyses of major and trace elements in wines do not show a distribution of the plots based on pedological or sedimentary origin, but based on production factors, in this case the vine grower. This conclusion is justified by the geochemical homogeneity (same sedimentary origin, same rock type) of the geological origins in the area that was studied.


Publication date: December 22, 2021

Issue: Terroir 2006

Type: Article


Jean LEVEQUE, Sébastien LANGE, Michel CAMPY, Francis ANDREUX and Marie-Jeanne MILLOUX

UMR INRA 1229 Microbiologie et Géochimie des Sols, Centre des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Bourgogne, 6 boulevard Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, France

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vineyard, soil, wine, geochemistry, trace element


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2006


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