IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Terroir Conferences 9 Terroir 2006 9 Category: Integrated approach in terroir studies (Terroir 2006)

Integrated approach in terroir studies (Terroir 2006)

Integrated approach in terroir studies (Terroir 2006)IVES Conference SeriesTerroir 2006

Influence of edapho-climatic factors on grape quality in Conca de Barberà vineyards (Catalonia, Spain)

Soil and climate of 3 vineyards have been characterised in order to determine their influence on grape quality. These vineyards are located in Conca de Barberà (Catalonia, NE Spain) and belong to Cabernet sauvignon and Grenache noir cultivars. All 3 plots are very close, so only interannual climatic data of the nearest meteorological station have been considered.

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Integrated approach in terroir studies (Terroir 2006)IVES Conference SeriesTerroir 2006

Relationship between soil and grapevine variety in the wineyard of Jura: example for the “Trousseau” variety from the “Terroir” of Montigny-Lès-Arsures (France)

Seven plots located in the commune of Montigny-lès-Arsures (Jura, 39), planted with grapevine varieties Trousseau and Savagnin, were chosen for a study of soil pits and a distribution of major and trace chemical elements in soils and wines. It was shown that the mineral matrix of the soil reflects the geological substratum and the sub-surface alteration process, while the organic soil matrix depends on agro-viticultural practices.

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Integrated approach in terroir studies (Terroir 2006)IVES Conference SeriesTerroir 2006

Soils, climate, nutritive status and production of cv “Palomino fino” in the superior quality area of the Jerez-Xérès-Sherry zone

The Registered Appellation of Origin Mark (RAOM) « Jerez-Xérès-Sherry and Manzanilla Sanlucar de Barrameda » is one of the oldest and more important zone in wine history and production. «Albarizas» unit (white calcareous marls with sea-fossils) is the most representative geological material of the RAOM (75%) and even more in the central-NW area of the RAOM, known as «Jerez Superior» area (Superior Quality Sherry Area). « Albarizas » form undulated hillocks (3-10% slope) and hills (>10% slope), the litologic unit has E-W and S-W direction, and Regosols and Leptosols are the principal soils.

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Integrated approach in terroir studies (Terroir 2006)IVES Conference SeriesTerroir 2006

Study of the “Charentes terroir” for wine production of Merlot and Sauvignon: method, installation of the experimental device, first results

Cognac vineyard is mainly dedicated to brandy production. Within the vineyard restructuring context, one part is turned over wine varieties for wine production (about 1,500 ha planted from 1999 to 2005). Today, the new wine producers need technical references about qualitative potential of the « Charentes Terroir », varieties and adapted vineyard management.
In order to answer to this professional request, an observatory of 18 plots of Merlot and 12 plots of Sauvignon have been laid out since 2003 and 2004 on various kinds of pedoclimate.

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Integrated approach in terroir studies (Terroir 2006)IVES Conference SeriesTerroir 2006

The use of local knowledge relating to vineyard performance to identify viticultural terroirs in Stellenbosch and surrounds

A terroir represents grouping of homogenous environmental units, or natural terroir units, based on the typicality of the products obtained. Identification and characterisation of terroirs depends on knowledge of environmental parameters, the functioning of the grapevine and characteristics of the final product, which must be placed in a spatial context.

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Integrated approach in terroir studies (Terroir 2006)IVES Conference SeriesTerroir 2006

Topographic modeling with GIS at Serra Gaúcha, Brazil: elements to study viticultural terroir

Brazil is historically known at the international wine market as an importer, eventhough in the last decades there was an increase in quantity and quality of the internal production. Nowadays, about 40% of fine wines comsuption of the country are national ones. The main production region is called Serra Gaúcha, where the natural conditions are heterogeneous and viticulture is develloped in small properties, mainly done by the owners family.

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