IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences 9 2ICGWS-2023 9 Category: Posters - Bioactive molecules in grape and wine ( Page 2 )

Posters – Bioactive molecules in grape and wine

2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesPosters - Bioactive molecules in grape and wine

Preliminary study of the influence of ripening on the polysaccharide content of different red grape varieties

Grape skin has a barrier and protective function in grapes. Cell wall of grape skins is mainly composed of polysaccharides such as pectins, celulloses and hemicelluloses and structural proteins. Terroir, variety and changes during ripening can affect the content of polysaccharides in grapes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of polysaccharides (PS) in grapes along the ripening process. Three red grape varieties were studied: Garnacha (G), Tempranillo (T) and Prieto Picudo (PP).

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2ICGWS-2023International Congress on Grapevine and Wine SciencesIVES Conference SeriesPosters - Bioactive molecules in grape and wine

Teinturier grapes: Valorization as a source of high-value compounds for the Chilean food industry

The agri-food industry is constantly searching for ingredients of high functional value, healthy and of natural origin. One species of particular interest is Vitis vinifera, due to its recognized antioxidant potential. Among the grape varieties, one group possesses these antioxidant compounds not only in the skin, but also in its pulp: Teinturier. The red grape has traditionally been used for color correction purposes in winemaking, however, its high antioxidant content transforms it into a raw material of high potential for new formulations of ingredients and foods for the health and wellness market.

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