Investigation on harvesting period choices for correct interpretation of experimental results
Happens too often in scientific papers to find the same harvesting period of a cultivar, although the used treatment influence a maturity curve of investigated thesis.
This inevitably leads to wrong conclusions when comparing the treatment effects, since obtained on maturity stages more or less far from those technologically correct.
The present paper has the aim to enhance the sensibility of our environment, and not only, this fundamental aspect in the framework of a larger project, has the aim to enhance various aspects of “quality” (for example organoleptic, economic, social and existential) and of its “economies” (Cargnello G. (1996): La qualite economique, l’economie de la qualite et la qualite economique des preferences: differentes considerations. Compte-rendu n° 9 GESCO, Budapest (Hongrie), 21 -23 Août, pp.379-384.). It was conducted on cv. Prosecco in “Terra della Valle del Piave” in collaboration with respected Casa vitivinicola Carpenè – Malvolti di Conegliano.
Particularly, the research about short cut (Spur Pruned Cordon of Conegliano) and long (precisely of training form “Prosecco Alta Marca”), showed that production of the last one is penalised if harvesting time is judged on thesis of Pruned Cordon, and inversely, in function of product typology we want to obtain and of enterprise objectives we want to achieve.
Issue: Terroir 2004
Type: Article
SOC Tecniche Colturali – Istituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura
Viale XXVIII Aprile 26 – 31015 Conegliano (TV) Italy