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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Barbera d’Asti: the characterization of the vineyard sites

Barbera d’Asti: the characterization of the vineyard sites


L’objectif de l’étude est de mettre en évidence les différences rencontrées entre les vins Barbera d’Asti, qui sont produits en AOC. Celles-ci sont imputées aux terroirs caractérisés selon les facteurs pédologiques, climatiques, et qui conduisent à des différents potentiels viticoles et œnologiques. Il est proposé une individualisation des sous-zones.

The research has verified the presence of differences among the Barbera d’Asti wines, produced in the area DOC different zones, which could be ascribe to pedological, climatic, viticultural and enological factors. The survey bas divided the producing area of Barbera d’ Asti in large zones which produce different types of wine.





Publication date: February 15, 2022

Issue: Terroir 2002

Type: Article


Andrea CELLINO (1), Moreno SOSTER (1), Federico SPANNA (1), Roberto SALANDIN (2), Franco MANNINI (3), Nicola ARGAMANTE (3), Claudio LOVISOLO (4), Andrea SCHUBERT (4), Maurizio GIL Y (5), Gabriella SANLORENZO (5), Rocco DI STEFANO (6), Daniela BORSA (6), Mario UBIGLI (6), Antonella BOSSO (6), Maria Carla CRAVERO (6), Vincenzo GERBI (7), Giuseppe ZEPPA (7), Luca ROLLE (7)

(1) Regione Piemonte- Direzione Sviluppo dell ‘Agricoltura – C.so Stati Uniti 21- 19128 Torino
(2) lstituto per le Piante da Legno e l’ Ambiente- C.so Casale 476- 10132 Torino
(3) Istituto di Virologia Vegetale, Unit  staccata vite – CNR – Via L. Da Vinci 44 – l0095 Grugliasco (TO)
(4) Dipartimento Colture Arboree – Universit  di Torino- Via L. Da Vinci 44 – 10095 Grugliasco (TO)
(5) Vignaioli Piemontesi – Via Alba 15 – 12050 Castagnito (CN)
(6) Istituto Sperimentale per l’Enologia Mi.P.A.F. -Via P. Micca 35 – 14100 Asti
(7) Dipartimento Valorizzazione delle Produzioni e Risorse Agroforestali – Universit  di Torino – Via L. Da Vinci 44 – 10095 Grugliasco (TO)



Barbera, caractérisation, sous-zonage, texture
Barbera, characterization, sub-zoning, texture


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2002


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