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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Modeling island and coastal vineyards potential in the context of climate change

Modeling island and coastal vineyards potential in the context of climate change


Climate change impacts regional and local climates, which in turn affects the world’s wine regions. In the short term, these modifications rises issues about maintaining quality and style of wine, and in a longer term about the suitability of grape varieties and the sustainability of traditional wine regions. Thus, adaptation to climate change represents a major challenge for viticulture. In this context, island and coastal vineyards could become coveted areas due to their specific climatic conditions. In regions subject to warming, the proximity of the sea can moderate extremes temperatures, which could be an advantage for wine. However, coastal and island areas are particular prized spaces and subject to multiple pressures that make the establishment or extension of viticulture complex.
In this perspective, it seems relevant to assess the potentialities of coastal and island areas for viticulture. This contribution will present a spatial optimization model that tends to characterize most suitable agroclimatic patterns in historical or emerging vineyards according to different scenarios. Thanks to an in-depth bibliography a global inventory of coastal and insular vineyards on a worldwide scale has been realized. Relevant criteria have been identified to describe the specificities of these vineyards. They are used as input data in the optimization process, which will optimize some objectives and spatial aspects. According to a predefined scenario, the objectives are set in three main categories associated with climatic characteristics, vineyards characteristics and management strategies. At the end of this optimization process, a series of maps presents the different spatial configurations that maximize the scenario objectives. 


Publication date: May 31, 2022

Issue: Terclim 2022

Type: Article


Jeanne Thibault1, Hervé Quénol2 and Cyril Tissot3


1,3UMR 6554 LETG Brest, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Plouzané, France
2UMR 6554 LETG Rennes, Université Rennes 2, Rennes, France

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climate change, islands, modeling, optimization, vineyards


IVES Conference Series | Terclim 2022


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