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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Sustainable fertilisation of the vineyard in Galicia (Spain)

Sustainable fertilisation of the vineyard in Galicia (Spain)


Excessive fertilization of the vineyard leads to low quality grapes, increased costs and a negative impact on the environment. In order to establish an integrated management system aimed at a sustainable fertilization of the vineyards, nutritional reference levels were established. For this purpose, 30 representative vineyards of the Albariño variety were studied, in which soil and petiole analyses were carried out for two years and grape yield and quality at harvest were measured. In both years of study, soil pH, calcium, sodium and cation exchange capacity were positively correlated with calcium content and negatively correlated with manganese in grapes. Irrigated vineyards had higher levels of aluminium in soil and lower levels of calcium in petiole. Climatic conditions were very different in the years of the study. The year 2019 was colder than usual, in 2020 there was a marked water stress with high summer temperatures. This resulted in medium-high acidity in grapes in 2019 and low acidity in 2020, with sugar levels being similar both years. A very marked decrease in must amino nitrogen was observed in 2020, with ammonia nitrogen remaining stable. The correlation of acidity and sugar values in grapes with soil and petiole analysis data made it possible to establish reference levels for the nutritional diagnosis of the Albariño variety in this region. Based on these results, an easy-to-use TIC application is currently being created for grapegrowers, aimed at improving the sustainability of the vineyard through reasoned fertilization. This study has now been extended to other Galician vine varieties.


Publication date: May 31, 2022

Issue: Terclim 2022

Type: Poster


María Dolores Loureiro Rodríguez1, Juan Carlos Vázquez Abal1, Javier José Cancela Barrio2, Daniel Durán Pereira3, María del Carmen Saborido Díaz1, Lucía Lloret Caulonga4, Carlos Alberte5 and Emilia Díaz Losada1 

1Axencia Galega da Calidada Alimentaria (AGACAL)-EVEGA. Leiro, Ourense, Spain
2Escola Politécnica Superior de Enxeñaría, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain
3Sociedad Cooperativa Vitivinícola Arousana. Meaño, Pontevedra, Spain 
4FEUGA Fundación Empresa- Universidad Gallega. Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña 
5Vitivinícola del Ribeiro SCG. Ribadavia, Ourense, Spain

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fertilization, grapevine, TIC, soil, sustainability


IVES Conference Series | Terclim 2022


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