Publication date: Feb 1, 2023
Articles published in IVES Technical Reviews in January 2023
- Cell morphology observations for discriminating between Brettanomyces bruxellensis strains among genetic groups. Sandrine Rousseaux, Manon Lebleux, Emmanuel Denimal, Stéphanie Weidmann. Original language of the article: English.
- Flow cytometry, a sustainable method for the identification and quantification of microorganisms in enology – Part 2/2 Practical and environmental benefits of flow cytometry applied to wine microbiology. Cédric Longin, Rémi Laforgue, Marie-Laure Badet-Murat, Hervé Alexandre. Original language of the article: French.
Articles published in IVES Technical Reviews are available in 6 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese).