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Beyond colors of rosé wines: impact of origin and winemaking technology on their color, polyphenol and thiol compositions


Rosé wine consumption is rapidly increasing with its market share in France that has grown from 11 % to 32 % in less than 20 years. A recent trend is also to produce rosé wines with lighter colors. Varieties, terroir and technology certainly have an influence on rosé wine colors. We used different analytical techniques (colorimetry, UPLC-MS) and data management strategies (molecular modelling and multivariate discrimination analysis) to investigate the relationship between natural and human factors on the final composition of rosés wine. We showed that some polyphenols can be key markers of the origin for 60 commercial wines from the Bordeaux, Languedoc and Provence regions. We also demonstrated that PVPP treatment reduces the color of rosé wines by specifically adsorbing some classes of polyphenols and pigments like coumaroylated anthocyanins. This specific adsorption phenoma was explained by molecular modelling calculations of interactions between anthocyanins and PVPP. Finally we showed for the first time that the thiol aromatic indexes of rosé wines can be increased by PVPP treatment up to 200 % compared to the control.


Publication date: June 11, 2020

Issue: OENO IVAS 2019

Type: Article


Cédric Saucier, Mélodie Gil, Christelle Reynes, Fabian Avila, Philippe Louazil, Guillaume Cazals, Véronique Cheynier, Christelle Enjalabal, Nerea Iturmendi, Leonardo Santos, Robert Sabatier, Virginie Moine

SPO, Univ Montpellier, INRA, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier, France.
Univ Montpellier, IGF, CNRS INSERM, Montpellier, France.
Laboratory of Asymmetric Synthesis, Institute of Chemistry and Natural Resources, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile.
Biolaffort, 126 Quai de la Souys, 33100 Bordeaux, France.
Univ Montpellier, IBMM, Montpellier, France.

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Rosé wine, polyphenomics, thiols, PVPP fining 


IVES Conference Series | OENO IVAS 2019


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