Macrowine 2021
IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Measurements of the oxygen dissolved in white wines elaborated in barrels without to open the bung of the barrels

Measurements of the oxygen dissolved in white wines elaborated in barrels without to open the bung of the barrels


Bases on oxoluminescence, we have developed an innovative device for measuring dissolved oxygen in wines in barrels without opening the bung. This system is directly inserted into the wood during the barrel elaboration and can be positioned at different locations of the barrel (the head, the hull …). During two successive vintages we have used this device notably to follow the oxygen dissolved of whites wines elaborated in barrels. This allowed us initially to monitor the oxygen levels of the harvest to bottling the whole elaboration process in barrels of white wines without using techniques of measurement suitable to modify the real values in wines (opening the bung to plunge an oximeter). This also allowed us to quantitatively characterize and compare the impact of different winemaking techniques as different techniques of settling or of “batonnage”. The comparison of the nature of wood and of cooperage different recipes have been also done. All trials also compared the oxygen levels measured in the wine to the antioxidant capacity of the wines in the laboratory by an innovative electrochemical techniques in order to compare the residual oxygen content at a time t with the ability of wines to overcome the future steps of oxidation. Interesting and useful links for the winemaker could thus be established between the techniques done to reduce the doses of oxygen applied to wines and their ability to resist later to oxidation.

Publication date: May 17, 2024

Issue: Macrowine 2016

Type: Poster


Vincent Renouf*, Anne-Charlotte Monteau, Marie Mirabel

*Chêne & Cie

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IVES Conference Series | Macrowine | Macrowine 2016


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