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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Macrowine 9 Macrowine 2010 9 Molecular effects of stress and vineyard management 9 Outside and inside grapevine roots: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in a ‘nebbiolo’ vineyard 

Outside and inside grapevine roots: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in a ‘nebbiolo’ vineyard 


In field conditions, grapevine roots are colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Little is known about the species composition of AMF communities associated to grapevine. Recently, the use of the molecular approach has offered new information about the AMF assemblages that live in symbiosis with this important typical Mediterranean fruit crop. The aim of this study was to compare the AMF communities outside and inside the grapevine roots in a ‘Nebbiolo’ Piedmont vineyard, in order to investigate the relationship between the AMF communities in these two compartments.

Publication date: July 3, 2024

Issue: Macrowine 2010

Type: Article



Istituto Protezione Piante (IPP) del CNR c/o Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, Viale Mattioli 25, 10125 Torino, I.

Contact the author*


AMF communities, biodiversity, grapevine


IVES Conference Series | Macrowine | Macrowine 2010


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