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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 The Douro region: wine and tourism

The Douro region: wine and tourism


The Demarcated Douro Region (DDR) dates from 1756, when it was recognized as one of the first demarcated regions in the world. The DDR economic activities fit the terroir model and are based on wine and tourism. Both activities have witnessed deep and structural changes along the last three decades, with influence in the current socio-economic performance of the region. The objective of this paper is to present the recent evolution of the DDR wine filiere and tourism. The Port wine continues to be the star product of DDR, with almost 90% being exported. However, along the last decade the still wines evolved from being almost unknown to a position of a national and international recognition in market niches. The tourism in Douro region is connected to the wine filiere and tends to be structured under two dominant influences: the river and the terroir. 


Publication date: July 31, 2020

Issue: Terroir 2014

Type: Article


João REBELO (1), José CALDAS (1) and Alexandre GUEDES (2)

(1) Department of Economia, Sociologia e Gestão, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta de Prados, Vila Real – Portugal. 
(2) Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal, Viana do Castelo – Portugal 

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Wine region, world heritage, wine and tourism


IVES Conference Series | Terroir 2014


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