Varieties and rootstocks: an important mean for adaptation to terroir
A large genetic diversity exists among V. vinifera varieties, but also among cultivated rootstocks. This diversity is important to adapt plant material to different environmental conditions and contributes to the expression of terroir. Plasticity, i.e. the level of modification of the expression of individual characteristics of a genotype in different environments, is also important for adaptation. The most important physiological parameters which contribute to this adaptation are briefly reviewed. For varieties, phenology, drought responses and ripening processes are crucial. For rootstocks, variability in nutrients and water uptake, as well as their effects on whole plant development is important. A better description and understanding of the genetic variability and plasticity for these traits is highly required in order to improve the adaptation of the plant material to the current growth conditions. It will also help to develop strategies in order to respond to the ongoing climate change.
Issue: Terroir 2012
Type: Article
UMR EGFV, INRA, ISVV, 210 chemin de Leysotte, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon, France
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grapevine, genetic diversity, phenology, ripening, drought responses