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IVES 9 IVES Conference Series 9 Merano Wine Festival 2020

Merano Wine Festival 2020

IVES was a partner of the Merano Wine Festival (innovation section), a digital event held from 6 to 10 November 2020. During this festival participants attended scientific conferences on cutting-edge topics for the wine industry. Some of the topics covered have been selected from our journals: IVES Technical Reviews and OENO One. You can enjoy the recordings on Merano Wine Festival web platform. Discover below webinars and topics covered selected from our journals

How can the water regime and nitrogen status of the vine influence aging aromas in red wines?

By Nicolas Le Menn (University of Bordeaux) Read the original article on IVES Technical Reviews

New microbiological stabilization procedures: an alternative to reduce SO2 levels in wine? (Video in Italian)

By Maria Tiziana Lisanti (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) › Read the original article on IVES Technical Reviews

Does water deficit negatively impact wine grape yield over the long term? 

By Alexander D. Levin (Oregon State University) Read the original article on IVES Technical Reviews

Berry primary and secondary metabolites in response to sunlight and temperature in the grapevine fruit zone.

By Alain Deloire (Montpellier University, L’Institut Agro SupAgro-IHEV, France) › Read the original article on IVES Technical Reviews

Sensory characterisation of Bordeaux red wines produced without added sulfites.

By Edouard Pelonnier-Magimel (Unité de Recherche Œnologie, Inrae, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, France) Read the original article on OENO One

Publication date: January 14, 2021

Issue: Merano Wine Festival 2020


Nicolas Le Menn, Maria Tiziana Lisanti, Alexander D. Levin, Alain Deloire, Pelonnier-Magimel


IVES Conference Series | Merano Wine Festival


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